We’ve been having a blast here in Florida! It’s been nothing but carefree and clear blue skies, and I’m not complaining. For the past couple of days we’ve spent a lot of time on the sand and in the water, and with that being said, I may even have a slight sun burn on my back already…ouch! I’m a beach girl at heart, so I’m pretty much convinced that being near the waves is where I belong! *hint hint*. I’m the kind of person that likes to be out of the house and doing something, and being by the beach helps fill that void.
On to my beach outfit: I was hunting high and low for the perfect girls swimwear, and luck must have been on my side because I found this adorable and cheap one piece swimsuits. I especially adore the high-neck, swoon! The one I’m wearing is currently out of stock and the closest I could find is this one.

But if you’re looking for one more on the affordable side, you can try something similar like this.
It is a rare gem indeed!