Nails and mycosis

As with the health of the hair, that of the nails also reflects the health of a person. Taking care of your nails is a necessity, it naturally allows you to maintain good personal hygiene but also to prevent the development of infectious foci.


The nail can suffer from several conditions, of which here are the best known.

Nail mycosis

Nail fungus is caused by fungi, often of the dermatophyte type. Humid environments promote the development of mycoses, such as excessive perspiration, closed shoes, places open to the public. Uncertain personal hygiene, the exchange of personal hygiene materials and a lack of hygiene for the latter accentuate this diffusion.

The fungi responsible for this disease first attack one nail before spreading to others. To prevent nail fungus, it is essential to maintain rigorous hygiene to effectively limit the proliferation of these fungi. If a nail is already affected, it is necessary to follow a long-term treatment, to completely destroy the fungi in question.

The problem of ingrown toenails

In cases of nail malformation, a fragment of the nail can penetrate the flesh and cause inflammation, this is called an ingrown toenail. Ingrown nails are often also caused by unsuitable or narrow shoes, by osteoarthritis, by certain treatments against retroviruses or against psoriasis. Antibiotics and antiseptics are generally used to treat ingrown toenails, but surgical treatment is still a good option to consider.

Nail trauma

Caused by small haemorrhages, color spots or lines are the consequences of blows, falling nails, crushing or wearing unsuitable shoes. Generally, these traumas disappear over time without requiring any particular treatment. In the event of an infection, the intervention of a doctor is necessary.

The problem of ridged nails

Ridged nails are manifested by streaks on the surface of the nail, in length or width and of variable depth, the latter can be manifestations of certain diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lichen planus.


Onychophagy is the habit of biting or eating the nails, characteristic in nervous individuals, the damage caused to the nail is sometimes very serious. The lesions caused can lead to the loss of the nail and are often the consequence of stress, aggressiveness, compulsive states, depression, etc.

Nail fungus is mainly transmitted by sharing equipment or using equipment from an infected nail to a healthy nail. To prevent this type of risk, it is necessary to limit the exchange of equipment and regularly disinfect your equipment with suitable hygiene products.

In addition, we should use the pedicure kit to take care of them regularly, such as removing excess dead skin with a pumice stone; using the nail flies to polish and shape your nails…If you still want to look for the other products, recommend you just click this link!

Read also:The precautions of toenail fungus or onychomychosis

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